NAC + ALA Swiss Herbal, 60 capsules.

NAC + ALA is a synergistic combination of two ingredients that effectively supports the detoxification of the body. Both active compounds have antioxidant properties and support proper liver and kidney function. Due to their antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, they strengthen the immune system. They also speed up the metabolism, helping to lose weight.

Detoxifies the body: N-acetylcysteine ​​is a strong antioxidant, so it effectively destroys free radicals. In addition, it is a substrate for the production of glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in the body. Alpha-lipoic acid also has antioxidant properties. Both compounds benefit the condition of the mitochondria, the so-called "energy powerhouses of the cell." Not only do they protect these fragile structures from free radical damage, but they also help maintain the efficiency of mitochondria, which can weaken during aging. In addition to this effect, they stimulate the activity of the liver and kidneys, which are the main organs involved in the detoxification of the whole body. In addition, ALA has the ability to chelate heavy metals, thus helping to remove them from the body.

Regulates the immune system: Research results have shown that N-acetylcysteine ​​limits the reproduction of some viruses, such as the influenza virus. Therefore, it helps protect the body from infections. In addition, it is useful for excessive mucus production in the respiratory tract, as it facilitates its removal. Together with alpha-lipoic acid, they prevent the spread of inflammation in the body. In general, the combination of these ingredients not only supports natural immunity, but also relieves some symptoms of infection.

Helps reduce body weight: Alpha lipoic acid has been shown to be successful in shedding extra pounds. The main mechanism of this effect is the ability to reduce appetite - ALA can reduce the amount of calories consumed by as much as 30%. In addition, by activating the metabolism, it also facilitates the consumption of energy reserves stored in the form of adipose tissue. N-Acetylcysteine ​​is a good ALA supplement because it can also help control body weight. With regular use, total cholesterol, its "bad" LDL fraction and blood lipids can be reduced. Studies have shown that it can be especially helpful for conditions that inhibit weight loss, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

NAC + ALA is a combination of two compounds that work well together. Both of them support many metabolic processes that are very important for the proper functioning of the body. N-acetylcysteine ​​is an important substrate for the production of glutathione, the most powerful natural antioxidant. On the other hand, ALA - alpha lipoic acid - is a cofactor in cellular metabolic processes. Like NAC, it also has strong antioxidant effects. Both compounds help reduce the activity of free oxygen radicals, molecules that are dangerous to delicate cellular structures such as DNA. Thus, they slow down the aging processes occurring in the body. In addition, both NAC and ALA protect the liver and kidneys from toxic compounds. In addition, they both have antimicrobial properties, but also reduce inflammation, thus supporting the immune system's natural defense mechanisms.

Finally, this combination of ingredients can also be used to support a healthy lifestyle, for example by taking into account dietary habits. Regular consumption of both of its ingredients has been shown to significantly reduce appetite. Notably, NAC + ALA can speed up metabolism and lower cholesterol. As a result, it helps to burn excessive amounts of adipose tissue, as well as to maintain an optimal blood lipid profile.

NAC + ALA is an excellent combination of active compounds that support proper metabolism and strengthen natural mechanisms for neutralizing harmful substances. This supplement can be a great aid in detoxifying the body, so it can be recommended to anyone who wants to take care of their health. Also, if you're looking for an effective antioxidant combination that not only boosts your metabolism, but also boosts your immunity, NAC + ALA is your best bet!

NAC NooSynergy™ Ingredients:

NAC | N-acetyl-L-cysteine
  • 600 mg / 2 caps
ALA | Alpha-lipoic acid
  • 300 mg / 2 caps.

NAC + ALA formula specification

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules per day, unless otherwise directed by a healthcare professional
ACTIVE (900 mg / 2 capsules)


  • sealed PET bottle 120 ml with induction seal
  • desiccant pack Tyvek™ Microbag
  • net weight: 36g / 60 caps.
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, natural medicine
  • the preparation has been placed on the market in the EU and the USA

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Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für die Augen Herbamade