Theacrine+L-Taurine, Swiss Herbal, 60 capsules

THEACRINE + L-TAURINE is a nootropic that positively affects energy levels and supports the overall functioning of the body, both physically and mentally. Theacrine helps overcome drowsiness and fatigue, improves cognitive functions. L-taurine, in turn, prevents overstimulation of the nervous system, enhances neurogenesis and supports muscle regeneration.

Advantages of the TEACRINE + L-TAURINE formula

Improves energy levels: There is research showing that theacrine may act as an adenosine receptor antagonist in the central nervous system. By binding to them, it suppresses their activation, thereby reducing feelings of sleepiness and exhaustion. This mechanism is similar to the effects of caffeine, but theacrine has been found to have a longer-lasting effect on the brain. L-taurine regulates the activity of GABA and serotonin. For this reason, this amino acid can counteract negative effects associated with overstimulation of the nervous system, such as nervousness or muscle twitching.

Supports memory and attention: Theacrine stimulates the activity of dopamine, an excitatory neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the ability to focus and the proper functioning of working memory. Dopamine is essential for so-called multitasking, which involves smoothly shifting attention from one task to another. On the other hand, taurine can affect neurogenesis, the process of making new nerve cells that occurs mainly in the hippocampus. In this way, it has a positive effect on cognitive abilities, especially information retrieval.

Improves physical performance: Research shows that L-taurine has anabolic properties - it promotes the growth of muscle mass. This effect occurs mainly because taurine increases the release of insulin and makes muscle fibers more sensitive to this hormone. As a result, the cells receive glucose from the blood more efficiently. In addition, taurine inhibits catabolic processes that cause protein breakdown. It can also regulate the activity of GABA in the central nervous system, improving the production of growth hormone, which supports muscle development and recovery. Theacrine is also beneficial for physical activity. This amino acid improves self-perceived energy levels and motivation. It has also been shown to reduce soreness somewhat, which is beneficial during more challenging workouts.

Features of the THEACRINE + L-TAURINE formula

Theacrine is an organic compound found mainly in certain types of tea. It has properties very similar to caffeine, effectively improving energy levels and helping you focus on tasks at hand. However, its mechanism of action is slightly different. Because it does not cause such severe tolerance, even lower doses of theacrine are often more effective than several cups of coffee. In addition, it has been shown that this substance can be active for longer and, unlike caffeine, it does not affect blood pressure. On the other hand, L-taurine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the human body. It has anti-catabolic properties and indirectly increases the production of growth hormone. Thanks to these properties, it promotes muscle growth, but also supports muscle strength and endurance. In addition, it helps improve cognitive function and promotes neurogenesis, the process of forming new nerve cells. The combination of these two ingredients is a formula that effectively supports the body's capabilities, both mentally and physically.

THEACRINE + L-TAURINE supports dopaminergic activity in the central nervous system, just like COCOA + MUCUNA or CAFFEINE + L-THEANINE . Therefore, the addition of these synergistic compounds improves motivation to act, provides more physical and mental energy, and positively affects cognitive abilities - especially concentration. In addition, all of these supplements antagonize adenosine receptors, thus counteracting sleepiness and fatigue. They are often recommended as an effective alternative to coffee. Nevertheless, each of them has a slightly different profile.

THEACRINE + L-TAURINE is the best choice for people who frequently engage in physical activity. This formula effectively improves the working capacity of the body, and thanks to the anabolic properties of taurine, it supports the development of muscles and improves their strength.

Theacrine NooSynergy™ Ingredients:

  • 100 mg / 2 caps.
L-Taurine | PharmaTaurine™
  • 1000 mg / 2 caps.

THEACRINE + L-TAURINE formula specification

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules per day, unless otherwise indicated by a specialist
ACTIVE (1100 mg / 2 capsules)


  • gelatin capsules (white-red)
  • Hermetic PET bottle 100 ml / 120 ml with induction seal
  • desiccant pack Tyvek™ Microbag
  • net weight: 19.5 g / 30 caps., 39 g / 60 caps.
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, natural medicine
  • the preparation has been placed on the market in the EU and the USA

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Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für die Augen Herbamade