For sexual quality in women and men Tribulus terrestris + Wild oats Swiss Herbal, 60 capsules.

TRIBULUS + WILD OATS is a synergistic combination of two adaptogenic plant extracts. It improves the quality of sexual life for both women and men. The components of this formula help to take care of hormonal balance, cardiovascular health and psychophysical regeneration. In addition, they reduce the intensity of stress reactions, including those that occur during PMS or menopause.

Improves the quality of sex life: Both Tribulus and wild oats have been used in herbal medicine as aphrodisiacs that effectively support libido. One of the most important properties of both of these plant extracts is the regulation of the natural activity of sex hormones, which is necessary for proper sexual functioning and a high level of libido. The results of many scientific studies have confirmed that both Tribulus and wild oats are successful in increasing libido and these findings apply to both men and women. Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with Tribulus terrestris extract can improve sexual satisfaction in nearly 90% of participants. In addition, research on Avena sativa has shown that this plant increases the sensory experience in the genital area. Men's sensitivity to touch increased by 22 percent, and women's - by 15 percent. There have also been reports of greater orgasmic intensity.

Supports overall vitality: Tribulus terrestris has been used in the natural medicine tradition since time immemorial. In various cultures, it served as a support for the vitality of the whole body and as a medicine for various diseases. Thanks to scientific research, it has been proven that this herb has a positive effect on many important processes in the human body. Active compounds in T. terrestris have been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, they help protect the circulatory system from disorders, including atherosclerosis, and generally have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. Wild oat extract also facilitates the regulation of lipid metabolism. Not only does it limit the absorption of cholesterol from food, but it also lowers the "bad" type of cholesterol, LDL, while boosting HDL, generally considered the desirable, good type. Both plants also lower blood pressure. And due to the relatively high content of flavonoids and polyphenols, such as avenanthramides, they eliminate free oxygen species and help protect delicate cell structures from harmful factors.

Increases resistance to stress: The broad, traditional use of T. terrestris also includes the mental sphere. For centuries, this plant has been used to calm the nerves. This property of tribulus has been confirmed in many scientific studies conducted on its benefits. The results of these studies show that T. terrestris helps alleviate the effects of stress. By regulating serotonin activity in the brain, it also improves general well-being and helps achieve a state of relaxation. It is worth noting that the relaxing effect of this plant is supported by the anti-anxiety properties of wild oats. Scientific studies have shown that oats contribute to improving the activity of alpha waves in the brain. These waves are associated with what is known as a state of "relaxed attention" that is characteristic of activities such as meditation and deep relaxation. In addition, researchers have conducted tests that have shown that Avena sativa extract can reduce stress-related reactions such as increased heart rate or blood pressure. Therefore, it is clear that both plants help the body to cope with difficult situations and facilitate psychological balance.

Tribulus terrestris and Avena sativa are two excellent adaptogenic herbs that have been used for centuries in the most prominent systems of natural medicine. Some may even find it hard to believe that a common grain like wild oats can actually have so many health-promoting properties. In a synergistic combination, these effects are supported by the libido-enhancing and tonic effects of Tribulus. Both Tribulus and Avena help regulate sex hormone levels, including testosterone, which naturally improves libido and sexual function. However, this is one of the many mechanisms that allow this adaptogenic combination to increase libido. Both of these amazing herbs have been shown to improve the quality and satisfaction of intercourse, with effects reported by both men and women. The ingredients in our special formula substantially increase the intensity of sensory perception and thus significantly increase the warmth in bed. In this context, it is really important that Wild Oats and Tribulus have a positive effect on well-being and help calm the nerves. These plants regulate the activity of the main neurotransmitters responsible for effective coping with stress. Thus, they help to achieve a state of deep relaxation. Interestingly, the results of T. terrestris studies in women have shown that Tribulus can relieve PMS symptoms. Do not forget about the positive effects of both herbs on health and balance of the whole body. After all, let's remember that they help regulate cholesterol levels and blood pressure. They can also neutralize free oxygen species. Thanks to these effects, our formula can support vitality and help you stay healthy for a long time.

TRIBULUS + WILD OATS is a great combination that enhances the libido-enhancing properties of both herbs. It will be most useful for people who want to maintain sexual functions and regenerate the whole body. It is also a great choice for those who struggle with mood swings as it helps maintain inner balance.

Tribulus Herbal Synergy™ Ingredients:

Tribulus terrestris
  • extract 80% (450 mg / 2 capsules)
Wild oats | Avena sativa
  • extract 20:1 (450 mg / 2 capsules)

TRIBULUS + WILD OAT formula specification

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules per day, unless otherwise indicated by a specialist
ACTIVE (900 mg / 2 capsules)


  • gelatin capsules (white green)
  • sealed PET bottle 120 ml with induction seal
  • desiccant pack Tyvek™ Microbag
  • net weight: 33 g / 60 caps.
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, natural medicine
  • the preparation has been placed on the market in the EU and the USA

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