Evalar TurboSlim Express, 18 capsules, 3 packs


AM capsules: guarana extract, red seaweed extract, calcium carbonate, red grape leaf extract, ascorbic acid.

Capsules DAY: garcinia extract, prickly pear flower extract, fennel extract, corn stigma extract, senna extract, chromium picolinate.
Capsules EVENING: garcinia extract, lemon balm extract, fucus extract, senna extract, L-carnitine, chromium picolinate.
Packets: oligofructose, lemon juice, prickly pear flower extract, artichoke extract, green tea extract, fennel extract

Description Turboslim Evalar:

Almost every woman is familiar with the situation! But if there are at least 3 days left, then there is time to fix it! This will help you natural complex "Turboslim express weight loss". With it you can reduce the volume up to 3 cm in just 3 days! The complex consists of 3 color capsules for use in the morning, lunch and evening, as well as a drink in a sachet for 3 days. It is with such a complex combination of many components that their active ingredients activate accelerated weight loss mechanisms. "Turboslim express weight loss" - for those who need a quick result!

capsules + sachets

general description:

Indications for Turboslim:

the fastest weight loss in 3 days

Clinical Pharmacology:

Turboslim Express-Slimming Natural Complex is the only weight loss complex that can help you lose 3 kg in 3 days and reduce your waistline to 3-3.5 cm. The secret lies in the complex combination of many components that promote an accelerated weight loss process. As professional nutritionists, they will help you manage your appetite; as qualified massage therapists, they will remove edema * and excess fluid in the body; As experienced trainers, they will make you burn fat intensively and help increase muscle tone and blood vessels. And "Turboslim Express-slimming" perfectly cleanses the body. And after 3 days, your reflection in the mirror will again delight you with slim contours!

* If edema is not due to disease

"Turboslim Express-slimming" includes the most powerful natural components for the fight against excess weight, which together increase the effectiveness of each other. And in order to achieve an even greater result, the active substances are divided into 3 capsules for use at different times of the day, taking into account the characteristics of the body at different times of the day.

How does the Turboslim Express Slimming Complex work?

The effectiveness of Turboslim Express-Slimming is determined by the active and diverse action of natural components.

Morning capsules

Guarana extract activates the effect of adrenaline on adipose tissue and accelerates fat burning.
Red algae extract improves the circulation of interstitial fluid and its removal from the body.
Calcium, vitamin C and red grape leaf extract improve cell metabolism, improve microcirculation, and increase muscle and blood vessel tone.

Daily capsules

Opuntia flower extract, garcinia extract, corn stigma extract, and organic chromium are four powerful appetite suppressants. These components also promote fat oxidation and activate carbohydrate and energy metabolism.
Senna and pankelamy extracts stimulate the intestines.
Opuntia flowers contribute to the elimination of edema and the elimination of stagnant processes.

Evening capsules

L-Carnitine, Garcinia Extract, and Chromosilicate Fat Oxidation and Elimination
Lemon balm extract promotes easy falling asleep.
Fucus and senna extracts create ideal conditions for comfortable morning cleansing.

Drink for reception during the day

Extracts of green tea, artichoke, fennel, and prickly pear blossoms improve the outflow of the lymphatic system, activate the activity of the kidneys and liver, which improves the circulation of intercellular fluid in the body, and removes swelling.
Oligofructose is a source of soluble dietary fiber and has a positive effect on the vital activity of intestinal microflora, normalizing its work.
Lemon reduces body fatigue and supports immunity.

Release form and composition
AM capsules: guarana extract, red seaweed extract, calcium carbonate, red grape leaf extract, ascorbic acid.
Capsules DAY: garcinia extract, prickly pear flower extract, fennel extract, corn stigma extract, senna extract, chromium picolinate.
Capsules EVENING: garcinia extract, lemon balm extract, fucus extract, senna extract, L-carnitine, chromium picolinate.
Packets: oligofructose, lemon juice, prickly pear flower extract, artichoke extract, green tea extract, fennel extract.

6 capsules "morning" white 0.375 g each,
6 "daily" pink capsules of 0.34 g each,
6 capsules "western" blue, 0.34 g each,
3 sachets of 6.7 g each.

Special instructions:
Consult your doctor before use.

Use, course of use and dosage:
Adults: 2 white capsules in the morning with breakfast, 2 pink capsules in the afternoon with lunch, 2 blue capsules in the evening with dinner. To prepare a drink, dissolve 1 sachet in 1 liter of drinking water at room temperature - use throughout the day. Duration of reception - 3 days.

persons with individual intolerance to the components, pregnant women, breastfeeding women. Consult your doctor before use.

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