Availability: 99 Auf Lager
Vendor: Evalar

Mizol is a special tool designed to effectively treat nail fungus. This remedy is for those who suffer from toenail fungus, which can be an embarrassing and self-defeating disorder. Mizol is an effective solution that will help get rid of the fungus and improve the condition of the nails and the health of the skin. In this description, we will discuss how this remedy works and how to use it to treat ringworm.

  • Naftifin 1% solution: Naftifin is an antifungal drug that is effective against many types of nail fungus. It has a sensitive effect on the fungus, inhibiting its growth and spread.

  • Tea tree essential oil: Tea tree oil has natural antifungal and antibacterial effects. It can help reduce the spread of the fungus and inhibit re-infection.

  • Other Ingredients: The product also includes water, vegetable glycerin, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Euxyl K300, ethyl alcohol and triethanolamine.

How to use Mizol to treat fungus:

  1. Preparation: First, you need to prepare the infected nail or skin area. Wash it off with warm water. In the case of thickening of the nail plate, it is advised to thin the nail plate with the help of nail files so that the medicine penetrates into the focus of the infection.

  2. Dry: Allow the nail or skin to dry completely. This is important because the fungus likes to multiply in a moist environment.

  3. Application of Mizol: Open the bottle of Mizol and use a brush or stick to apply it directly to the infected area of ​​the nail or skin. Try to ensure that the product is evenly distributed in a thin layer. Use once a day.

  4. Allow to dry: After this, allow the product to dry completely.

  5. Keep in a clean place: Make sure the nail or skin remains dry and clean, and use Mizol regularly according to the instructions. It may take several weeks or even months of continuous use to achieve the best results.

  6. Consult your doctor: If you notice any side effects or adverse effects, consult your doctor or specialist immediately. They can provide additional information and advice about treatment.

Mizol is an effective treatment for nail fungus, but it is important to remember that treating the fungus can take time, so be patient and consistent. Also, follow all instructions and recommendations for best results. If the condition does not improve or worsens, consult a doctor who will be able to provide professional help.

Ingredients: Water, Vegetable Glycerin, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Naftifin Hydrochloride, Euxyl K300, Ethyl Alcohol, Triethanolamine."

Storage conditions: store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 °C, out of the reach of children. For external use only.

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