
Ashwagandha herbal oil, Withania somnifera, 30ml. Swiss Herbal.

It is an effective tool that reduces nervous tension, helps to relax, maintain a comfortable sleep and regenerate the body. Natural medicine experts value ashwagandha especially for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also effectively supports the body in fighting infections.

Supports stress resistance: Ashwagandha is known as a natural calming ingredient with tonic effects. Research shows that the active substances in the oil from its root increase the activity of GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. They directly affect its receptors, reducing the excitement of the nervous system, and thus the whole body. Scientists are also studying their effects on the activity of other brain chemicals associated with mood, including dopamine and serotonin. Ashwagandha has been shown in many trials to reduce anxiety, facilitate relaxation, and help with insomnia, especially when it is caused by stress.

Improves physical performance: Ashwagandha oil is quite popular among people who enjoy an active lifestyle and want to improve their performance. Its mechanism of action is complex and consists of increasing testosterone levels, which is important for libido, but also has a positive effect on muscle development. And since this herb supports healthy and restful sleep, it also stimulates the secretion and regeneration of growth hormone – especially necessary after intense physical exertion. Ashwagandha has been shown in clinical trials to help reduce body fat and enhance the effects of exercise.

Supports Nervous System Recovery: Studies show that active compounds in Ashwagandha enhance neurogenesis, the process of nerve cell formation. In this way, they stimulate the regeneration of the nervous system. They also increase the activity of acetylcholine, a brain chemical essential for quick thinking, learning, and memorizing and recalling information. Clinical tests have shown that the use of Ashwagandha can benefit cognitive abilities, including memory, concentration and information processing efficiency. Therefore, there is evidence that Ashwagandha oil can support the efficient functioning of the mind.

Improves overall health: Ashwagandha is one of the most well-known adaptogens in the world. Among the many health-promoting properties, the ability to regulate blood pressure and normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood with the amount of triglycerides is the most worthy of mention. This is especially beneficial for people struggling with metabolic syndrome. In addition, the active ingredients of this herb stimulate the proliferation of B and T lymphocytes, which protect the body against harmful bacterial and viral attacks, as well as NK cells, which are involved in neutralizing cancer. The positive effects of Ashwagandha oil on the skin are also quite significant. The active substances contained in it help to restore the natural firmness and elasticity of the skin. They can also be beneficial for ailments such as eczema. Due to all these properties, this plant perfectly supports the whole body.

How to Use Ashwagandha Herbal Oil | Withania somnifera?

  • add 6-8 drops to hot water and distribute evenly
  • add 6-8 drops to a carrier oil
  • add 4-6 drops to hot water
  • put 3-5 drops in an aromatherapy diffuser
  • adjust the amount to achieve the desired aroma note
  • use according to the procedure

Ashwagandha Herbal Oil | Withania somnifera product specification

  • natural herbal oil
  • ashwagandha root extract ( Withania somnifera )
  • organic sesame oil
  • glass bottle with dropper containing 10 ml / 30 ml / 50 ml / 100 ml / 2 x 100 ml of oil (depending on the option selected)
  • sealing ring on the bottle
  • Net Weight: 10g / 30g / 50g / 100g / 2 × 100g (depending on the option selected)
  • aromatherapy
  • neuroregulation
  • natural medicine
  • cosmetics, perfumes
  • the ingredient is allowed to trade in the EU and USA

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Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für die Augen Herbamade